Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Wake up!

   Let me just take a snip-it from the Canadian Centre for Bio-ethical Reforms statement of how they view the beginnings of human life that I believe "that it is self-evident that human beings, by virtue of their humanity, are objectively valuable; that value makes them equal in worth to one another." I also "acknowledge In human reproduction, a new, living human being comes into existence at fertilization (when a sperm fertilizes an egg)."  And yet there are many in this country that will not acknowledge this, although they know it to be true, all because they want to keep the abortion option open, but why?  Because of choice? Who's choice, certainly not the child's choice,  they take any hopes of that away when they cut it apart and tear it from the safety of its mothers womb. So they do it for their choice. No human has the right to purposefully take the life of an innocent child especially in the name of choice! Its time we have a law, its time we as a nation afford the most basic right we as people of this great nation enjoy and that is the right to life, to the children growing in the womb. Organizations like are fighting for exactly that, a law to protect the preborn humans from the abortionists instruments of death.  But they have people standing in the way saying that they should have the choice. Ah but that leads to another question should they even have that option as a choice? I say NO! As should society. We as a civilized society already place limits on people. We make laws saying that we can not take what is not ours. We have laws that say how fast we can travel. We also have laws that say that we can not inflict harm on others or do anything that causes another's death. But yet over 100,000 times a year in Canada harm is being done to innocent children growing in what should be the safest place on the planet to start their journey in this life, their mothers womb. Are you asking if this really happens? We have no laws? Yes its true we have no laws protecting the preborn children who grow in their mothers wombs a place that was designed to do just that, grow the child till it is strong enough and big enough to be exposed to the harsh environment outside the womb. We have no laws here in Canada since 1988 when the Supreme Court struck down our abortion laws and no governing official lately has the moral fibre or strength of conviction to stand up to the selfish attitude of the populous and say that its not right! As a matter of fact there are enough of them that don't even want to talk about it!  Stephen Woodworth a MP from Ontario has purposed a motion to parliament to study if our current laws that are based on a 400 year old definition of when human life starts is up to the current data that we have with our modern medical knowledge.  And our PM and others in his government and the entire opposition party not only disagree with him they don't even want to debate it!  How sad is that, that we as a modern civilized country do not want to debate something!  Debate is what democracy is all about!  It is how this country was built and is paramount to keeping the truth in the forefront and oppression at bay!  And now our governing officials want to suppress the fundamental principle of democracy... debate!!! 
    It makes you wonder, why do they not want to talk about it?  My theory is that they deep down know that the truth is that it is self-evident that human beings, by virtue of their humanity, are objectively valuable; that value makes them equal in worth to one another. And in human reproduction, a new, living human being comes into existence at fertilization (when a sperm fertilizes an egg). And if it is true than they have sat by on the sidelines of one of the worst cases of human slaughter that our world has know. We as society have been duped by the self centred interests of our society and have, by dehumanizing the child growing within, bought a lie that is a clump of cells and not a human. Time to wake up Canada! If the mother is a human and the father is a human, what else can their offspring be?  And if it is self-evident that human beings, by virtue of their humanity, are objectively valuable; that value makes them equal in worth to one another than what are we doing allowing the slaughter of 100,000 innocent children when we won't even kill a serial murderer for his crimes?  Like I said wake up people!  Will you remain silent? 

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