Sunday, 3 June 2012

I can't move...

So yesterday I ran.  The school my kids go to held a fund raiser that got the parents and others to get teams together and have an Amazing Race style competition to rip around Edmonton and do challenges in one day. It was awesome! I have to say I could not have had a better team to run with. There are a lot of times I have played team sports and games with good teammates and felt like part of the team,  but yesterday I felt absolute team spirit with the guys I ran with! Two friends and my brother-in law teamed up with me and we ran!  And we carried each other through the whole race utilizing everyone's strengths and at the end of the day we finished in first place, not that this was the best part of the day. The best part was that we gave it our all and had a blast doing it , as a team!! The really funny part of the race for my self was how I looked at the team in the beginning. I am the only one in the group who does some long distance running, and I thought that I was going to have to be the one at the end of the day waiting and slowing down for some of the other guys. This was far from the truth though and by the end the boys were waiting and slowing down for me. And this is where I had the best time. My knee and right hip were killing me by the time we were finishing the race so much so that I could barely walk let alone run. When I told the other boys to run off and get across the line and I would get there eventually I received an absolute "NO! we started this race as a team we are going to finish it as a team!" the boys got beside me and helped me limp across the line. That's what it means to be part of the team!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Rus!! Glad you won. That race is always way more fun when you have a great team to finish with. And it is one of those races that when you finish... you feel amazing regardless of how you did, because not only is it fun, we are doing it for our school! :O) Well done!
