Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Making it Official

I believe we can do better.

To me better means being different than what we have. We need honesty, fiscal responsibility, open clear communication, but more importantly caring for and helping each other

 Honesty is better, believing in honesty I won't give the typical political fluffy answers or try trick people with dishonest statements.
  Open communication is better, phone, email, and social media are all ways that I will be available to listen to those I wish to represent and to openly communicate with.
  I believe that the government also needs to start being more responsible with our tax dollars. It's not there for politicians to spend at their whim. It's there to help our society flourish. It's there so we can help and care for each other; that’s what better looks like. Cutting funding to front line health, education, seniors and society's most vulnerable isn't helping, it's hurting. Cutting where it hurts the most isn’t better.
Different is what we need. Better is what I offer!  That's why I'm seeking the nomination for the Wildrose Party in Stony Plain riding.