Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Just a real bad idea

 With prostitution in the news again once again people are talking about whether or not it should be legalized.  Let me take a second to state my opinion on this..... NO!   No it should not be legalized. Hearing the common statement well it's not going away so why not make it safe for the women.  First off murder and theft aren't going away either should we legalize that?  And how are you going to make it safe?  Consider Holland, they legalized prostitution in an attempt to make it safe, yet now due to the demand,  women are commonly trafficked in to the country against their will to "work" in these brothels, only to be kicked to the streets when failing the mandatory disease check.  Forced to work illegally for their pimps to bring in more money for them, money the  girls will never see.  And now Holland is realizing that maybe their system of trying to control this has become a giant failure.  Sweden has the right idea, punish those demanding it,  not those forced into it and who are the real victims.  If you are one that thinks legalizing it's a good idea please spend some time reading these before you advocate for turning more innocent women into victims.  

If you want I can find more or you could spend some time and realize just how bad of an idea legalizing it would be

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Liberty lost?

I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject of liberty and freedom from some well known sources as the Magna Carta, USA constitution and bill of rights, the British North America Act, the 1960 Canadian bill of rights, and the Canadian Charter of Rights. These documents are the building blocks on which our societies were built and in my opinion the reason why they have thrived and been the leaders of the world.
 Why have I titled this post "Liberty lost?", well as I look around I see our societies in Britain, USA and Canada, and I see that more and more our societies continue to expect government to provide answers to all our problems, I see societies turn more and more control of  our everyday lives over to the ruling bodies, and I see societies ideologies that we must all be forced into agreeing with every aspect of life and not allowed to disagree or debate things without fear of ridicule or even worse prosecution.
  Governments are there to protect us not control us. Governments job is to ensure a level playing field for all, not to dictate how we are to do things. Our Governments job is to ensure that we have the freedom, liberty, and infrastructure to succeed and thrive as a society
  Then I have to ask have we lost liberty?  Have we forgotten what freedom means?  Have we forgotten that with freedom and liberty comes responsibility?  Or have we as a society become apathetic to taking and embracing said responsibilities?