Monday, 5 November 2012

Lest we Forget or Have we forgotten?

Every November 11 we take time to remember the sacrifices of the brave men and women who gave their service and in too many tragic cases their lives to ensure that we back home have freedom. Around this time of year we wear poppies as a symbol of the the phrase "Lest we Forget" which leads me to the question,... Have we?   What is it that we are trying not to forget?  In my mind it is the fact that God  ( the same God that our Constitution recognizes to have Supremacy)  gave us freedoms in this life in accordance with the moral law he wrote into our consciences.  Yet when you watch the news and hear the special interest groups yelling,  they have clearly forgotten and so we have as well.  You may be asking really??  What proof do I have to make such a claim?  Well we don't have to look to far back in the past to see that we are repeating the same mistakes that have been made in the past because "We Forgot".  This past fall in the Canadian Parliament one man, Stephen Woodworth stood up and asked Canada to put together a committee to study whether one of its laws was fair. Sec 223.1 of the Canadian criminal code stated that there is one group of humans we excluded from protection under our law.  This is the same kind of laws that Nazi Germany use to start the progression to the Final Solution.  Now we wear a little red poppy, now we feel good because we say "Lest we Forget", but alas "We have Forgotten". Canadian Parliament voted down Mr Woodworth's motion.  It was a fair and logical question and he was right.  We should not in a free and democratic nation, one that claims to be champions of Human rights, one that claims to be tolerant and all inclusive have laws that deny any human their rights before the law rights endowed by our creator.  But its to easy to forget when you are blinded and more interested in your own selfish wants and desires,  and so "We Forget"  Those men that fought and died for us did not do so in order that we can ignore the principles that this country was founded on.  They did not die while fighting a dictator  in order that we could slowly start adopting the terrible and sick policies that he brought in and tried to force on Europe. "Lest we Forget" ???  Open our eyes people we have forgotten!!  Abortion is unfettered in Canada, more and more Socialist policies are being accepted and the government keeps trying to take away the freedom of the people.  Government time and time again keeps trying to take responsibility away from parents and try telling them what is best and how to raise their kids like we saw in Alberta last year with Bill 2 the education bill.  Thankfully it was thrown out but it isn't the only case.  In Ontario Educators have tried to call themselves "Co-Parents" saying its also their shared responsibility to raise the children. Examples can go on and on, so yes, I say " We have Forgotten".   When we throw out freedom and human rights for all humans so that we can have the "choice" to deny one their rights to kill them in order that we aren't inconvenience what does that say about our moral compass?   To me it says its broken.  And why, because "We have Forgotten"!  We as as a nation have not remembered those brave people sacrifices, they did something we have forgotten how to do.  We have forgotten what it means to be RESPONSIBLE.  Responsible to our family, friends, neighbors and fellow country men and women.  A common phrase I've heard a lot lately is " We have no right to tell another person how to live their life"  That is wrong, we do have a right and a responsibility to do that.  We do tell others that they can't take what isn't theirs to take, we tell people that they can not inflict harm on others, ( yet this is completely ignored during abortion )  and the list can go on.  Freedom comes at a price and that is being responsible and taking responsibility for our actions and when we ignore human rights and deny human beings those rights to skirt those responsibilities that we know that we have forgotten. We have forgotten that we do have a great country that affords us rights and protections and that we can not due to our own selfishness deny others those rights because its is not convenient for us.  We have forgotten that we must take responsibility for every thing we do in this life and that actions have consequences.  We have forgotten that taking responsibility does not mean demanding the government to do everything for us.  We have forgotten that we as a nation must also recognize that yes, God is supreme,  and it is not our will that should be done but His alone.  So next time you go and put on that little red poppy think deeply about what those people died for,  "Lest we Forget"