Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Be my voice

A friend of mine inspired me to write a poem and figured why not write one about about an issue that's very important to me right now, enjoy.....

Be my voice
I can not speak
Stand up for me
Your help I seek
I may be small
I need to grow
I just need time
for mom to show
That I've been here
now for a while
a few more months
you'll see my smile
unless I don't
make it till then
because their choice
I face my end
Don't want to die
I do want life
MY choice is not
The surgeons knife
Do not want me?
Then give me away
then I will live
and see the day
Though the law says
Thou shall not kill
I cry for help
I beg you still
Be my voice
I can not speak
Stand up for me
Your help I seek